Our Strategy

Our headline production strategy is to supply in a sustainable manner the essential minerals and energy required by society. This requires us to make significant investments and financial commitments and manage large projects identified because of their intrinsic value. Our strategy is to become a net-zero emissions energy business. Our strategic ambition is underpinned by our core strengths – technical and commercial expertise, and our ability to leverage regional relationships and manage risk in complex areas through a strong management team with proven track records of executing strategies and delivering value. This provides a significant opportunity to our team to utilize their experience to extract and process minerals, oil, gas and Energy.

  • Our strategy enjoys the following key components
  • - Business development driven by confidence in our own abilities
  • - Use of our professional networks to find staff with abilities that compliment ours
  • - Utilisation of our global operational experience to provide safe and ESG-compliant operations for all stakeholders
  • - The creation of value through a good portfolio of high margin producing assets through our network
  • - Maintaining strict financial discipline to ensure an efficient use of funds
  • - An aspiration to be a respected resources company
  • - Recognition that the provision of appropriate education to our employees and others in the communities we engage with benefits all

+44 7786 499433

483 Green Lanes, London, United Kingdom, N13 4BS